Opuscula Math. 43, no. 6 (2023), 803-811

Opuscula Mathematica

On the concept of generalization of I-density points

Jacek Hejduk
Renata Wiertelak

Abstract. This paper deals with essential generalization of \(\mathcal{I}\)-density points and \(\mathcal{I}\)-density topology. In particular, there is an example showing that this generalization of \(\mathcal{I}\)-density point yields the stronger concept of density point than the notion of \(\mathcal{I}(\mathcal{J})\)-density. Some properties of topologies generated by operators related to this essential generalization of density points are provided.

Keywords: density topology, generalization of density topology.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 54A05, 54A10.

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  • Renata Wiertelak (corresponding author)
  • ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6423-504X
  • University of Łódź, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Banacha 22, PL-90-238 Łódź, Poland
  • Communicated by Palle E.T. Jorgensen.
  • Received: 2023-04-12.
  • Revised: 2023-05-27.
  • Accepted: 2023-06-01.
  • Published online: 2023-07-22.
Opuscula Mathematica - cover

Cite this article as:
Jacek Hejduk, Renata Wiertelak, On the concept of generalization of I-density points, Opuscula Math. 43, no. 6 (2023), 803-811, https://doi.org/10.7494/OpMath.2023.43.6.803

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