Instructions for authors
Submission of manuscript
To submit a paper for publication, authors should send a PDF file by email to:
The primary criteria for accepting papers submitted for publication are:
- clarity of exposition,
- readability,
- timeliness of the contents.
Only original papers will be considered. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been and will not be submitted elsewhere. Submission for publication must be approved by all authors and by the institution where the work was conducted. Furthermore, any person cited as a source of personal communications must have approved such a citation. Written authorization may be required at the editor's discretion. Articles and any other material published in Opuscula Mathematica represent the opinions of the author(s) and should not be construed as reflecting the opinions of the editor. No more than two papers will be considered or published by the same author or co-author within a one-year period.
Authors of papers accepted for publication are kindly requested to send the LaTeX or AMS-TeX files by email to:
There are no fees for submitting, processing or publishing an article in Opuscula Mathematica.
LaTeX template file
It is highly recommended to use the following LaTeX template (download file) to prepare your manuscript for publication in Opuscula Mathematica. While using this file is optional, it can expedite the editorial process after manuscript acceptance.
Preparation of manuscript
Manuscripts must be clearly written in English. Incorrect use of the language is not acceptable. Footnotes and unusual symbols should be avoided. It is strongly recommended to limit the length of a manuscript to fewer than 25 pages.
Title page (page 1). The title page should include the article title, the names of all authors listed in alphabetical order (without affiliations, unless otherwise specified), and an abstract. The abstract must be a single paragraph of fewer than 150 words summarizing the main findings of the paper. Since abstracts are often presented separately, avoid referencing numbered items in the paper or using uncommon abbreviations. Any references cited in the abstract should be provided in full. Following the abstract, include a list of up to 10 keywords that will assist with indexing or searching, as well as the relevant 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification codes.
Sections. An article should be divided into numbered sections and subsections (e.g., 1.1, 1.2, etc.). Each subsection may have a brief heading.
Equations. Equations should be typewritten, with the numbers for displayed equations placed in parentheses at the right margin. References to equations should follow the format ''equation (3.1)'' or simply ''(3.1).'' Automatic numbering of equations is strongly preferred.
Figures. Figures must be prepared in a form suitable for direct reproduction. If complicated figures or diagrams are used, the corresponding graphic files should be included, preferably in eps format. Digital artwork of at least 300 dpi resolution is accepted.
Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements, if applicable, should be placed before the references.
References. Authors should use a numbered referencing style. References should be arranged in alphabetical-chronological order, and the list should minimize the use of author macros. Italics are preferred for titles of books and journals. The following general rules also apply:
- in journal titles, capitalize the first letter of the first word,
- in book titles, capitalize the first letter of each word, except for ''and'', ''of'', etc.
Abbreviations for journal names and references should adhere to the standard format established by Mathematical Reviews. Every reference cited in the text must appear in the reference list, and vice versa.
For example, the reference list begins with: \begin{thebibliography}{widest-label}.
Each reference is then added as follows:
- for books:
''\bibitem{ref1} A.A. Author, \textit{Title of the Book}, Name of Press, Place of Publication, 2020.''
- for papers:
''\bibitem{ref2} A.A. Author, \textit{Title of the paper}, Abbreviation of Journal Title \textbf{4} (2020), 21--49.''
''\bibitem{ref3} A.A. Author1, B.B. Author2, \textit{Title of the paper}, Abbreviation of Journal Title \textbf{4} (2020), 21--49.''
if a given article has more than one author.
To end the bibliography, type: \end{thebibliography}.
References in the text should be cited by using: ''\cite{ref1}'' or ''\cite{ref1,ref2,ref3}''. This produces [1] or [1,2,3] in the text.
An example of a reference list is provided below:
- book:
[1] J.B. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis, Springer, New York, 1990.
- journal article:
[2] Z. Kamont, Generalized Cauchy problem for hyperbolic functional differential systems, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 41 (2011), 205-228.
- non-English journal article:
[3] M.G. Krein, The theory of self-adjoint extensions of semi-bounded Hermitian transformations and its applications. I, Mat. Sbornik 20 (1947), 431-495 [in Russian].
- non-English journal article translated into English:
[4] Yu.V. Pokornyi, V.J. Pryadiev, A. Al'-Obied, On the oscillation of the spectrum of a boundary value problem on a graph, Matem. Zametki 60 (1996), 468-470 [in Russian]; Engl. transl. in: Mathem. Notes 60 (1996), 351-353.
- chapter or article in an edited book:
[5] B. Simon, Sturm oscillation and comparison theorems, [in:] W.O. Amrein, A.M. Hintz, D.B. Hinton (eds.), Sturm-Liouville Theory: Past and Present, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2005, pp. 29-43.
Affiliations. At the end of the paper (after the references), the author should provide complete affiliations and the address for manuscript correspondence (including email and physical address).
Review procedure
Any manuscripts received for review will be treated as confidential documents. They are initially evaluated by the editors to determine whether they merit full external review. Reviewers for Opuscula Mathematica are selected from the broader scientific community by the editors based on their expertise in the field. All papers are reviewed in a single-blind manner, meaning that reviewer names are anonymized, and the Journal does not disclose their identities to the authors. Reviewers are chosen in a way that ensures any potential conflicts of interest (including financial, personal, or other relationships) between them and the authors are disclosed. The corresponding author is then informed of the editorial decision via email. It is uncommon for submitted manuscripts to be accepted without the need for revision. Please note that a request for revision does not guarantee acceptance. The current acceptance rate for considered papers is approximately 15 percent.
Copyright declaration
After a paper is accepted for publication, the authors are asked to sign a copyright declaration form with the following content:
1. I declare that I am the Author of a work entitled "...." intended for publication in the journal Opuscula Mathematica and that I have full copyright and property rights to this work.
2. At the same time I guarantee that the work does not infringe copyright, trademark, patent or other third party's property rights. My copyrights to store the work, duplicate it in printing (as well as in the form of a digital CD recording), to make it available in the digital form, on the Internet and putting into circulation multiplied copies of the work worldwide are unlimited.
3. I declare that the work has never been published before and it has not been submitted to any other publishing house.
4. I also oblige myself to reimburse AGH-UST in Krakow for any expenses and compensate any financial losses resulting from the third party's claims if it appeared that any of declarations 1, 2 or 3 are untrue.
5. Hereby, I grant AGH-UST in Krakow a free, unlimited in time and territory exclusive licence to:
- store the work,
- multiply the work using any method including printing and digital recording,
- putting the work into circulation,
- store the work on computer and distribute in the web including the Internet and databases.
6. I am aware that the journal is published under a Creative Commons BY license - Attribution ( By submitting an article to the journal, I agree to make it available under this license.
7. I also agree to make any necessary changes in the work resulting from editor's proofreading on condition that the final version of the primary text and additional materials need acceptance of the Author.
Galley proofs
After technical editing and preliminary proofreading of the files, authors will receive galley proofs for final corrections. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked for errors and returned within the allotted time, usually two weeks.
Ethical guidelines
Opuscula Mathematica follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) about the best practice on publication ethics.
Plagiarism screening policy
All papers submitted to Opuscula Mathematica will be screened for plagiarism using iThenticate software.
To prevent cases of scientific misconduct, the Editorial Board has procedures in place to address issues of ''ghostwriting'', ''guest authorship'', ''plagiarism'', and ''self-plagiarism''.
Ghostwriting: A situation where someone makes a substantial contribution to a publication without revealing their participation as one of the authors or being mentioned in the acknowledgments.
Guest Authorship or Honorary Authorship: A situation where one or more authors are cited as making a significant contribution to a work, while in reality, their contribution is minimal.
Plagiarism: The act of using someone else's work as one's own without acknowledging the source of that work.
Self-plagiarism: The act of using one's own previously published work without acknowledging the source of that work.