Opuscula Math. 44, no. 4 (2024), 543-563
Opuscula Mathematica
Graphs whose vertex set can be partitioned into a total dominating set and an independent dominating set
Teresa W. Haynes
Michael A. Henning
Abstract. A graph \(G\) whose vertex set can be partitioned into a total dominating set and an independent dominating set is called a TI-graph. We give constructions that yield infinite families of graphs that are TI-graphs, as well as constructions that yield infinite families of graphs that are not TI-graphs. We study regular graphs that are TI-graphs. Among other results, we prove that all toroidal graphs are TI-graphs.
Keywords: total domination, vertex partitions, independent domination.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C69.
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- Teresa W. Haynes (corresponding author)
- East Tennessee State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Johnson City, TN 37614-0002, USA
- Michael A. Henning
- University of Johannesburg, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Auckland Park, 2006, South Africa
- Communicated by Dalibor Fronček.
- Received: 2023-08-30.
- Accepted: 2024-01-08.
- Published online: 2024-04-29.